Warhammer 40,000 is a miniature wargame produced by Games Workshop. It is the most popular miniature wargame in the world and is particularly popular in the United States and the United Kingdom.


Warhammer is more than a game. It’s a lifestyle. It is a hobby that is played by people from all over the world, often since childhood and well into adulthood. It’s an IP that ignites the imagination of it’s player and fan base, and gives them room to play and create their own characters and stories. As a result, the customer is incredibly passionate. But all this can also be intimidating and difficult to navigate as a new comer. The challenge was to create a new site that would allow newcomers to navigate one step at a time and to understand the hobby, while also engaging existing customers.


Using our customer personas developed in a previous project, the Warhammer webstore, we were able to create wireframes, content and page mock-ups to test with users. After rounds of testing and feedback, we skinned the wireframes with the brand new design system which we also developed at the beginning of the webstore project.

Some initial wires


The end result was a beautiful and engaging site that helped newcomers understand the hobby and its multiple facets, while also offering some purchasing guidance.



Games Workshop

My Role & Responsibilities:
UX & UI Design & Research, Creative Direction, Ideation, CX Direction, Communication, Leadership

Team Credits:
Tom RJ, Copy Writing & Content
Sabine Watson, Copy Writing & Content
William Hill, Design
Soak, Development
Daniel Billiald, Project Management